fyi , blogger are not my diary , but for exchange story and memory with member , thanks :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

muhammad hussein haekal b mohd noor:D

now you are mine dear.

hope kte kekal sayang.

i will care dis relationship.

dunt care lar.

if anbody dunt like us.

i always love you syg.

i juz want you.

wawa xpena rse bahagia mcm nieyh!

ekal jew boley wat wawa heppy.

i miss you soo much dear


examination ! !

buat masa ini. aq xkan update blog,ym,ms,fs n fb.

anty lepas exam aq akan update balek.

belom bebas agy nieyh.


sori lah kalo xbalas mcetz or comment korang keyh.

hope korang paham.
